A few months ago, Right Now! and the Healthy Climate Alliance brought together a group of 30 professionals in Rome for a Conference to develop action plans to restore our climate. Restoring a healthy climate is the goal and pathway to fulfill an obligation to our children and grandchildren, indigenous populations and refugees to give them the same climate our grandparents gave us.

The Conference was labeled the Laudato Si’ Climate Restoration Conference because Pope Francis’ eponymous encyclical, outlining our responsibility to care for our common home, is an important source of inspiration. It resulted in a number of tangible next steps, such as supporting three pilot projects aiming to restore Arctic ice in the forseeable future.

From November 26-28, 2018, the second Laudato Si’ Climate Restoration Conference will take place – again in Rome. The group of participants will be expanded with global leaders from the academic, political, business, scientific and religious worlds. For an impression of the first Laudato Si’ Climate Restoration Confererence, go to https://vimeo.com/273124992

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